Competitive Interviewing Services

Companies hire New Perspectives CG when they want a third party to get input from various people–these audiences might include past and current clients, prospects, clients of competitors, employees, suppliers, industry experts, etc.

What We Do
  • Formulate Interview Objectives with Client
  • Develop and finalize interview questions (click here for customer interview example)
  • Conduct Interviews (in person or  via phone)
  • Write-up responses to each interview
  • Write-up summary of  all interview responses
  • Develop list of challenges/opportunities suggested by interview answers
  • Recommend and discuss next steps/actions
Examples of Benefits
  • Provides you with a snapshot of how your clients think about you, what they say about you to themselves and others, what is important to them, what you are doing well and not well, ideas for improving both your services and relationships with them.
  • Provides you with comparative information by type, size, age (how long they have been a client).
  • Ability to share and discuss internally with your executive team, middle managers and front line people.
  • Gives your sales force motivation and confidence in talking with prospects and customers–they will know the right client focused messages to discuss.
  • Provides possible client sourced themes for your marketing and advertising programs (speaking to what your clients value, not necessarily what you value, or think they should value).
  • Input into what your brand message should be–your brand  is actually very much what your customers and the world say about you–rather than just what you internally decide it is.
  • Goodwill with the particular clients whom we survey.
  • The opportunity to communicate with all your clients after the Survey to tell them the results and how you will act on them
Project Timelines

Interview projects typically take 4-8 weeks from start to finish.