We have impacting conversations with people at various times in their lives, conversations that often lead to new defined “personal practices” and “personal actions” that create new perspectives from which to be, live, and act, helping to transcend old, embedded habits that are not productive, or worse have a negative impact on their lives. We do not advertise that this is an easy road, but rather is the road less traveled. Like developing all new skills it requires work, but the results are always worth the hard work. This work leads to greater personal freedom, a liberation from the mental prisons we often live in.
You might be in a period of transition–a new job or a new role or seeking a new career, or you may simply want to work on becoming a better leader/manager in your current role, or there may be other areas of your life that are not going as you would like. Together, with consistent effort, you can change. We will be there with you as you begin to show up differently in the world, in your job, your relationships, and the other important areas of your life.
We can help you clarify your personal and cultural core beliefs (which we often mistake as truisms). When this occurs, one can separate his or her “assessments” from “facts”, which begins a liberating process (freedom!) that leads to new, empowering perspectives on who you are. Having an experienced outsider to explore your “self and world views” with you through curiosity and deep listening creates the opportunity to experience yourself and the world by creating a shift in perspective that provides you with a greater set of choices. We are not therapists who heal, we are not consultants who advise, we are partners with our clients who have the courage to take on some of the most difficult issues in their lives. We are compassionate, we embrace humor, we are scientists and artists, and mostly we are helpers working to help our clients create lives they once might have thought unimaginable.
Give us a call and let’s have a conversation— a conversation, a word that simply means “to change together”. Note: Accredited by The International Coaching Federation (ICF).