The Two Most Powerful Business Processes Are Often Overlooked…

on efficiency in creating and fulfilling demand we create key performance measures in most, if not,
all functional areas—those increasing revenues, those lowering costs.

Whether analyzing the productivity of a marketing campaign, a sales team, a call center, a website, or the efficiency of managing inventory, shipping out orders, or our attempts to use such tools as Six Sigma, there are two business processes that we often take for granted and overlook. We take them so for granted that we do not see them as distinct business processes with clear steps for success. Yet, in the end they have the most impact on whether our businesses are truly efficient.

These two business processes provide the basic templates for taking the right action and achieving the best results. Simply put, these “business processesare:  “the conversations we have ” and “the decisions we make”.  Fortunately thought leaders have done significant research and developed best practices in these two business processes.

Conversations: Our work gets done as a result of how we engage each other through conversations —there are three types.  Knowing which kind of conversation to have and the specific set of tools we need to optimize them can make all the difference in choosing the right work and ensuring its quality.

Decisions: We all understand the importance of making the right decisions, but often even the most professed experts fail. Why did the Kennedy team fail in its decision making in the Bay of Pigs and succeed in The Cuban Missile Crisis, what decisions led to the death of two very experienced guides in the 1996 tragedy on Mt. Everest? How can we avoid such disasters and make decisions that will optimize our resources? There are answers to these questions. And processes that optimize the results we seek.

New Perspectives Consulting Group
has created workshops on these two business processes by applying the knowledge of these thought leaders . If you would like to learn more, contact Derrick Egbert today.  This may be one of the better decisions you make today.

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